The Beach

Last Saturday, Mon Amour and I decided to do a little road trip to the beach. The route from our house to the beach is anything but direct. So after winding through cornfields and soybean fields turning left then right, then left then right for about 2 hours, we arrived at the beach!

It being a Saturday, there were lots of people already on the beach. And we didn't really feel like swimming. So we just put our feet in and took a few pictures.

Mon Amour took some pictures of some random kids because beach pictures get a little monotonous without kids to liven them up a bit.

This is me standing and waiting for Mon Amour to finish taking pictures.

Ahh, the beach. So lovely.

The main reason for our visit was to go to this place:

My favorite pizza place of my childhood.

It still had the little model train driving around and around the track hung from the ceiling. The little kids in the booth next to ours got excited every time it went over head (like every minute or so); I remember subjecting my parents to such enthusiasm. Good times.

There are many good reasons to visit this yummy place.
The Birch Beer is just one of them.

We like Birch Beer.

The Nic-o-boli is another reason to come. Quite yummy!

After eating waaay too much we walked around the shops some more. I told Mon Amour we should get one of these Hermit Crabs cause that's what you do when you go to the beach. He said no. I kind of expected that.

After that there was some fun outlet shopping, followed by a long windy road back home.
It was good times.


Beth Anne said...

Is the picture of the child's backside hanging out intentional? If so, it is rather funny, and if not, it is still rather funny.

Sarah said...

Mmmm...I love birch beer too! I enjoy it with pizza. :)

Anonymous said...

we used to go to South Carolina every summer and always brought home a hermit crab - sometimes they lived a very long time!

Thomas said...

Still my favorite day trip and Nicobolis is a have to!