Typical Bert and Ernie

I think I have said it before, but...
I love the baby cows on our farm.

I very much love that they have personalities. Really, they do. If they were identical looking, I would still be able to tell them apart. Let me illustrate - typical Bert and Ernie attitudes.

This is Bert (dark face) and Ernie (white face).
They are peeking through the feeding trough bars at me. Initially both kind of curious.

Then something moves behind them in the pen (probably a bird of some sort)
Bert jumps back in fright and turns to assess the situation.
Ernie sticks his head through the bars to get a better look at me.

Crisis averted behind Bert. Bert returns to assessing the situation in front of him, still very tentative.
Ernie - sticks his head as far as possible through the bars to see if I will give him something to eat.

This is how it always goes. Bert looks sweet, but scared. And Ernie wants to know if you brought food.
Ernie has no fears. None whatsoever.
Bert on the other hand, has only gotten close enough for me to pet him like once.

I try and bring them both yummy clovers to eat from time to time. Ernie eats his right up. Bert sniffs his like it might be poisonous. And by the time he decides it might be safe, and works up the courage to stick out his tongue, Ernie's over zealous tongue (which has already consumed his own snack) swoops in to steal Bert's. I don't know how Bert ever manages to eat anything.

Poor Bert.

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