Snow-Cone Stand of Amazingness

When we first moved to the city, it didn't take long to realize that this is a Snow-Cone loving city. Being a lover of that tasty treat myself, I insisted that we visit a Snow-Cone stand at least once during the summer. Mon Amour reluctantly agreed, and we picked this place:

One Sweet Moment Snowballs.
Aka: The Snow-Cone Stand of Amazingness.

They have well over 200 flavors.
You can combine any 2 regular flavors at no cost.
You can have your ice shaved or crushed.
You can add marshmallow topping (or ice cream, I believe, though I have not tried that option yet. I have had a "cream" flavor, which does in fact have legitimate cream poured into it)
And you can pick from any one of these 7 sizes.

Though you should know that the Mega size takes about 3 hours to eat. My little brother knows from experience.

Since discovering this Snow-Cone stand, we have gone countless times. It is our default splurge item. Any thing is a good excuse to get a snow cone....
...a hard day
....a really good day
....extra money in the grocery budget (snow cones are excellent motivation for coming in under budget)
...and the list goes on.

I think this flavor was called Wedding Cake. Mon Amour always tries fun flavors. I am fairly predictable. Something chocolate (plain chocolate, pepermint pattie, etc) with marshmallow.

Yes, I have marshmallow on my chin.
What can I say, I needed to eat fast cause Papillon was hungry.

Like really hungry. See how much she is drooling?

It seems we always go out for snow-cones like 5 minutes before Papillon wants to eat again, and I make her wait while I finish my tastiness (no, I don't get the size that takes 3 hours to eat. I wouldn't make her wait that long, I promise). She is going to learn to associate this place with ravenous hunger...which will be bad when we take her for her own first snowcone and, thanks to Pavlov's theory, she will want the Mega Size.


Beth Anne said...

we have a snoball stand that we've been going to since my parents were first of the things both Martin and I miss about MD - so much that we have a snoball maker for the house!

Eliz. K said...

much fun!!

and, D won 1st prize for his chocolate chip cookies!

(being a dorky big sister, I just gave him a recipe box for his 15th bday... don't tell anyone :-P)