1 Month

Papillon officially turned one month old yesterday.
Here she is with her friend Snoopy. Hopefully I will remember to take a picture of Papillon and Snoopy every month so we can see how she grows. She is a lot longer than Snoopy, but still prefers to be all curled up.

Papillon at one month...

...will sleep anywhere. Swaddled, sprawled out, in her crib, in the bouncy seat, in the car, when its loud, quiet, hot or cold. Sleeping is her special talent

...still prefers to lay on her side. Often times the best way to wake her up is to make her lay flat on her back.

...weighs 8lbs 13 oz. Still 6 ounces shy of her birth weight. We will get there eventually.

...has given us a few small glimpses of a smile.

...eats every 2 hours in the day time and every 3 hours at night (unless I sleep through my alarm..). And it typically takes an hour by the time she eats and then I pump. (still working on getting my supply back after it practically dried up the first two weeks). I get excited when she eats fast enough at night that I can get back to bed in time to get 2 full hours of sleep before my alarm tells me its time to wake her up again.

...loves her sling. We can pretty much go anywhere and do anything when she is in the sling. It just makes her happy (and sleepy).

....also loves the car. It never takes long for her to fall asleep when I drive some where.

Time is flying by. Its hard to believe its been a month already. I still don't feel like I have fully found my "sea-legs", but things get a little better every day, and as long as she keeps gaining weight, I am a happy mommy.


Sarah said...

Happy 1 Month!!! You must be so tired! She looks like she's so much bigger already and I absolutely love the picture at the top of your blog. So precious.

Adrian and Meredith said...

I remember how hard those 2 hour feedings were. Hang in there! I know it feels like you'll be doing this forever, but it's over so fast. I'm praying for you, that your body learns how to cram lots of good sleep into those 2 or less hours at night, that you can nap while she sleeps during the day, and that God would give you a supernatural store of energy and patience until Papillon is back where she should be.

Beth Anne said...

yay - happy one month!