Annual Summer Girls Night Out

This past week has been full of lots of fun adventures, so this week on the blog I will give you the short photo synopsis of each of them.

First - the Annual Girls Night Out with two of the most fabulous ladies ever.

Every year at the end of the summer we get a bit dressed up and head to a nearby restaurant to talk about what we did that year, and then we make predictions for the next year. Last year they predicted I would have a baby by the time this years trip rolled around. Our predictions almost always come true.

Papillon joined this year's photos.

We always take a serious faces photo, in which I always look silly. Serious faces are not my specialty. But Papillon took to the serious face photo like a fish to water.
We then left Papillon with her grandmother (first official babysitting!) and us ladies headed out.
We had a lovely time chatting about things we had been up to lately, and also making predictions for next year (they predicted that I will at least be pregnant with baby #2...only time will tell I suppose). And the evening culminated with this dessert:
Yummy yummy Lava Cake. Which is pretty much the main reason we go to the same restaurant every year. This year's cake was a smidgen over done. There was not quite enough "lava" in the middle. But it was still divine.

When we returned, we found that Papillon had had a lovely time. But in true Papillon form, she had to pull out a few sad faces before we left. Here she is getting some sympathy sad faces in return.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Next year Phoebe and I are going to start our annual tea party while you all go out!