
Now that I am slowly returning to my non-maternity clothes, I have come to the startling realization that I hate all my clothes. (Only exaggerating slightly, I think I have a couple pieces I still like...maybe). Seeing as how we are a one income family now (and just bought a house and just had a baby...), initially I sighed, and decided I would have to just deal with my small, mediocre (at best) wardrobe.

Then, it hit me.

Way back when I was a teenager, I worked at my dad's ice cream store, where I received tips. And, seeing as how at the time I had minimal expenses, and was a saving-money kind of person, I never spent a dime of my tip money. I would convert it all into change, just for fun, and save it. Initially I saved it in an old sock, but a while that turned out to be far too small. I upgraded to a box, which my change also eventually outgrew.

10 years later, I still have not spent the majority of that money. (I believe I did cash in all the pennies, nickels and dimes at some point, for no particular purchase).

So, 10 years later, I decided it was time to stop being sentimental about good, hard earned money, and spend it on a new wardrobe!
Here it all is:

The grand total: $491
(minus a silver half dollar that I am not going to spend)
(Side note: People's standard reaction when I mention this total is "You had $491 just sitting around for 10 years and never spent it?". Yes. Yes I did. My tip money was my hobby. When I started this collection they were just starting to put out the "State Quarters" and my goal was to get 1 roll of quarters for each state. I got through the first 20 states or so. It wasn't cash to me. It was a collection representing lots of memories of the best job ever. What can I say? I am sentimental like that. But now it will go for a good cause, and I will still hold onto the memories)

$491 to spend on clothes for me.
New clothes.
Clothes that fit.
Clothes that I didn't have in high school.
(yes, I still have some clothes from high school)

And you, my blog readers, will have the privilege of watching me spend it.

$491 on the one hand, is a lot of money. Probably more than I have spent on clothes in years. On the other hand, I want to get some good investment pieces, and a good pair of pants can easily cost $50, $60, $75 +. Which means, the money could go fast!

Here is the plan:

I intend to shop wisely. I am okay with paying more for a good "staple", but I am also not opposed to clearance racks and even Goodwill for some items.

I also intend to buy Mon Amour a few things along the way. He is a good sport about having no clothing line item in the budget, but he really could use a few new things.

Lastly, I intend to shop over the course of the next few months. Aiming to have all this money spent by Christmas time. I fear that I have been overly frugal (aka stingy) about buying clothes for so long that if I don't set a deadline for spending the money I will keep holding out on buying things, waiting forever for them to turn into an even better deal.

I will keep you all posted as I purchase things. I will include pictures of the clothes along with prices and some stats (average price per item, etc) just for fun.

So, here it goes, my 2010 Wardrobe Adventure.
Suggestions about "must haves" or sales or what-not are welcome.


Unknown said...

Something from the sale rack at Anthropologie!

Also, save that silver dollar. It's probably worth like $20.

Eliz. K said...

your dad told me about that tip money! I remembered that you had been saving the states quarters :-D

annnd, though not after a baby, I am trying to redo my wardrobe too (very slowly), as I too still have clothes from high school... trying to choose "grown-up clothes" :-) so glad to read this!

good luck!

Beth Anne said...

I highly recommend Banana Republic outlet stores...not only are the clothes excellently tasteful but the prices are killer!