A Typical Day: Working - Fighting Sleep

After the walk (and typically a 2nd breakfast for Papillon) it is time to settle in for some productivity.
I pull out the laptop and all important notebook...

...and Papillon plays in her basket, which she is quickly out growing.
Before too long it becomes obvious that Papillon needs sleep and we try the crib.

Here she is super excited because the mobile is her best friend.

Perplexed because the mobile is not moving,

A confused look for mom due to the lack of mobile movement.

Until recently, all crib napping attempts were failures. In recent days, we have had much more success in this area. Hooray!

1 comment:

Beth Anne said...

yay for naps in the crib! I always felt like crib napping was more successful when Emma got to this age, along with some persistance