The Original Wardrobe

I must begin by apologizing for these pictures. I was in a rush, I had like 2 minutes before Papillon was due to wake up, so didn't do very well working with the lighting and such.

The state of my wardrobe at the beginning of this shopping adventure was as follows:

Nice/casual shirts: 3
Black, green and navy blue (not pictured)

Pants: 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair khakis and 1 pair corduroys.
Not pictured: 1 pair khaki capris and 2 pairs of shorts

Sweaters: 2.

Add to that 2 button down long sleeved shirts, not pictured.

And, other than skirts (which I seem to have an abundance of) and dresses (which are not conducive to this season of life because of nursing), that is pretty much it.

Oh, except these. About a million T-shirts.
In case you don't know this about me, until recently, I rarely wore t-shirts. In fact, I used to over-dressed for a lot of things. Business casual was the way to go for college classes, or grocery shopping, or, really, anything. Tshirts with logos and such on them were solely for sleeping in.
Of late, I have worn waaaay too many t-shirts. Hopefully this shopping adventure will change that.

In summary, I clearly have enough clothes such that my wardrobe is not officially in crisis. I am not at a point where I have to do laundry every other day for lack of anything to wear.
But, heavens to betsy, is my wardrobe ever boring.

Time for a change!

1 comment:

SuperP said...

I can't wait to see the new additions! I hope you have a good time shopping.