Ikea, place of wonders

We recently met up with some friends at Ikea for a combined shopping trip / play date. Other than the time when my friend's two year old went missing for a solid couple minutes (dare I say, he was gone for full 5 minutes! perhaps. For those of you who may not know...this is an terrifying length of time for which to misplace a two year old. We found him eventually, just doing some shopping on his own),  it was a delightful, delightful time.

Clearly, Hibou is in love with Ikea.

"Soooooo many cool things for super cheap! AAHHHH!"

This is Hibou's shopping-induced, happy, glazed over look.

And here is Papillon and one of her friends, checking out the couches.


Eliz. K said...

We have one of those wooden bead things! I was planning to have it out on Thursday, in fact :-) AAK usually just turns it over and bangs the whole thing on the floor... better noise that way...!

Beth Anne said...

My goodness, those 5 minutes did feel like forever! Hasn't done it since either, it was just a special day apparently :)