On our way back from Maine, we had the great pleasure of spending a bit of time with some friends of ours how moved last year, and now conveniently live between us an Maine. Brilliant choice of location!
While there, we made a trip to the local beach - Hibou was very excited.
It was a little more crowded than we expected. But what's a beach without a crowd?
Papillon is kind of hit or miss with sand, but this day she decided she loved it.
Papillon wouldn't get near the waves (who can blame her! There were a couple scary rip-tide rescues while we were there!), but Hibou totally loved the big waves!
Sun hats are the best!
Babies in the sand!
More sun hat fun!
These little girls are 3 months apart, and now live many miles apart, but I think they are destined to be good buddies.
In addition to the beach, we had some fun times in the front yard.
This car proved to be the best part of the evening! Videos of the adventures to be posted eventually...
Thanks for letting us visit! We look forward to making your house a traditional stop on our treks to Maine!