Beach time

About a week ago, we went to a local beach (not an ocean-beach, but definitely still a legit beach). I am not a beach fan, ad being an 8 months pregnant, walking furnace, I am even more so not a beach fan.  Our reason for going? Hibou. Randomly a couple weeks back she asked if it was "beach time". And every time I denied her there would be much weeping and wailing.  So I figured I would muddle my way through one beach trip and see if she actually liked it (the girls and I have in the past been of one mind about beach things).

It turned about to be one of the most delightful outings ever. A number of friends joined us which was lovely. But I also really just enjoyed enjoying the beach with my Girls. We were there for 3 hours, and spent 90% of the time in the water! The weather was perfect -calm, overcast, warm but not hot. There were no waves and very few other people at the beach. Perfection!

Much thanks to Hibou for inspiring this beach outing.

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