Puppy Neglect

Sometimes because of the fantastic cuteness that is Papillon, poor Marge can start to feel a bit neglected. When she feels neglected, she develops weird ticks. At the moment she is afraid of the backyard, which is obnoxious like whoa.

Less obnoxious is the pitiful act that she breaks out.
It can be heart wrenching. Watch.

Here is Marge, being all "Don't mind me, I am clearly not loved, seeing as how I don't even have a blanket to sleep on (she does actually) I will just make do with this frightfully tiny and uncomfortable pile of blankets that are not mine"

"I won't be in anyone's way, and I will even keep my unwanted tail off your freshly vacuumed carpet"

"I won't even annoy you with eye contact. Just go on, pretend I am not here like you always do"

We still love you Marge.
At least, Papillon does.
So I guess you can stay.

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