The Playground

Ever since our recent failure to get Papillon onto a swing, I have been determined that she should experience a swing!

So a little while ago, my mom and I took Papillon to a local playground.

We tested out the slide. She was generally unamused.
Then we tried the swing. This is what Papillon thought of the swing:
We call that a mix of apathy, confusion, boredom, and a longing to be out of the swing and chasing the other kids on the playground. But mostly apathy.

Oh well, it was a good first try. And I think she did have a good time watching the other kids on the playground, so all in all, our playground trip was a smashing success!


Sepia Toned Vignettes said...

I love Phoebe's serious face. She is so adorable!

I hope you are feeling better! I heard that you were under the weather.

Miriam Rachael said...

i love it when phoebe does the dad scowl. So precious.