First Beach Trip

Last weekend Mon Amour and I decided to explore one of the local state parks. So packed a lunch and plopped Papillon in the car and off we went!

We got a bit lost (who knew the park actually has two separate areas in totally different parts of the county...). But eventually, we found the area of the park that we were looking for.

We were hoping Papillon would have her first experience in a swing on this trip, but the two (count them...only TWO!) swings at this playground were both broken. So no swinging for Papillon.

Instead we sat on a fun tire and watched the other kids in the park play.

Then it was off to the beach area of the park, where we spread out a blanket and sat Papillon on the edge for her first sand experience.

She was not sure what to think at first. But after a few moments concluded that she HATED it. From then on if she touched even the smallest bit of sand she would freak out. As my mother pointed out, this makes a beach blanket an excellent play pen. Even if she were mobile, I doubt Papillon would have moved from the very center of that blanket, for fear of the sand.

We had a good time nonetheless.

Papillon loves Mon Amour a lot. She always lights up when she sees him, and though she pretends not to....

She loves his kisses.

We will definitely be exploring this park some more as the year goes on. Perhaps Papillon will come to enjoy the beach, but if not, once she can crawl, I think the playgrounds will afford her lots of fun times.

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