Cute Videos

As a shower gift, my mom and Aunt got us a Flip Video Camera. Which we have been using rather frequently, though Papillon has a tendency to stop doing whatever cute thing she was doing as soon as the camera turns on. So we have lots of video of her just staring blankly at the camera. Not terribly interesting stuff. But here are a few of her actually doing something.

And many apologies for the fact that they are not embedded. I couldn't for the life of me get them to work properly, so I gave up and used YouTube links. Not super-fancy, but it gets the job done.


Morning Play Time


Stretching (from way back when we were still in the hospital)



Unknown said...

I love these! She already seems older than her age, what with the laughing and stuff.

Thomas said...

Those are like the best videos ever! Thanks for sharing!

Adrian and Meredith said...

Awww, so cute. Looks like she's staying awake a little longer, too. I understand your frustration, though. Lyndon always stopped acting cute as soon as he saw the camera, too. It took us MONTHS to get a picture of him smiling, and we only got it because we snuck up on him with the camera.