The Creepy Tree

The other weekend, Mon Amour, Papillon and I visited a nearby Historic Mansion.

There were lots of things to see, and it was their fall festival so we watched some cider making and ice cream churning, but possibly the most fascinating part of our visit was the discovery of...

The Creepy Tree.
(Not the official name)

It is hugely old and knotty. But a lot of trees are.
The creepy-ness increases as you get closer.

You can actually step inside the tree and stick your hand through it.
Its still green and growing (in spots)

And on the back side, there is a spot where some how the tree grew such that it looks like a spine or something. Creepy.

Obviously the bright sunlight of this beautiful fall day detract from the creepy-ness. But trust me. This was a creepy tree.

Papillon was thoroughly creeped out.

Or bored. Its hard to say.

1 comment:

aestivasomniare said...

That is such a cool, creepy tree! I wonder if that's what Tom Bombadil's tree looked like? :-P