Great Nannie's Bday

About a week ago, we gathered at Great Nannie's house to celebrate her birthday.

Papillon got all dressed up for the occasion.

There was an awesome cake, with the whole family on it. Even Marge was on the cake.

This is how we cut cake in my family. My dad's family cuts in even, measured pieces and you are not allowed to pick an edge verses a middle piece, you just get the next piece. We are not like that. We are rebels.

Another 4-generation shot. Don't we all look lovely?

My cousin related a tale of how his glasses became a monocle. It was hilarious. He is a fantastic story teller.

My uncle is not really a baby person, I think he had held Papillon for a total of 30 seconds up until this point. On this occasion they bonded for a good 15 minutes.

Nannie helped with lunch. Clearly Papillon loves lunch.

Snuggles with the birthday girl.

Happy Birthday, Great-Nannie! (a little late)


Eliz. K said...

what a wonderful cake!!

aestivasomniare said...

Agreed - that cake is amazing! I will have to tuck that idea away for the future!