Movie Monday - Eating and Saying "Dada"

Welcome to Movie Monday.
Without further ado, let's get to the triple feature

Papillon eating like a ravenous beast. Seriously, this kid loves to eat.

Again, ravenous. She will sit there with her mouth open and get impatient if you don't put food in right away.

And for a little something different, her latest babble has taken the form of "dadadada". Clearly this is not actually her first "word"; she is just practicing consonant sounds.


Miriam Rachael said...



i must have a skype date soon.

The Blakeys said...

So cute! And I find it very hilarious and ironic that the two videos I took of my baby today are of her eating and saying "dada"! What are the chances?! I was going to put them on my blog, but now I just look like a complete copy cat! Ah well, copy cat I shall have to be.

Thomas said...

Yay for Monday Night Movies - and I get to watch them again and again and again - love them!

Inappropriate P said...

oh my goodness so sweet!!!