Play Dates

Recently, Papillon and I have gotten better connected with some local moms, resulting in some very fun play dates.

One morning we went to a nearby coffee shop for song time. It was a really cute coffee shop, and it was a good thing that we got there early, because by the time it started there were probably 20 kids + accompanying adults there, and it wasn't a very big space.

Who knew that a lady with a guitar could be so much fun.

Papillon wasn't sure what to think at first and I was worried she would melt down. She doesn't like loud noises, and didn't have a morning nap, but despite the trepidation on her face above, she warmed up to the whole thing and ended up loving it.

Our friends little girl, who is just about 1 year older than Papillon also enjoyed herself very much.

Papillon is also quickly becoming good friends with this little girl:

She is almost 3 months younger than Papillon, which is sort of a big difference at this age; but they will soon outgrow that difference. For now they don't really interact with one another (though Papillon did seem intrigued by her friend's excited sounds), but I enjoy spending time with her mother and at this age, Play Dates are really more about mom time than anything else!

1 comment:

Adrian and Meredith said...

Let's hear it for mom time! That's the whole reason I have play dates!