Green Bread

For St Patrick's day (yes....I know, that seems like forever ago now), my parents made "Leprechaun Bread" to sell at their store.

It is Old Fashioned White Bread "magically zapped green by little leprechauns" (aka food coloring).

It was a big hit! And I thought it looked pretty sweet!

And then I made toast with it.....and was oddly unnerved by its green-ness.

Don't get me wrong. It was delicious.
But it just didn't seem natural....


aestivasomniare said...

I don't know if he still has the same love of ketchup, but growing up my dear brother LOVED it, and when they introduced the colored ketchup, he would get a different color for Christmas. And even if he had really wanted to share it, the rest of us were not really interested in green, blue or purple ketchup!

Laura said...

maybe because it's not? :)