Bath Time

Papillon has always tolerated bath time pretty well, for the most part seeming not to mind it, but never really enjoying it. Just last week, however, for the first time she fully embraced bathtime fun. She splashed and splashed and had a grand ol time.

These photos were taken shortly before this new found love of the water, so she is still a bit on the fence about it.

Here she is not entirely sure why we are taking pictures...

Here she is with sudsy hair.

Alfalfa do!

Post-bathtime towel snuggles.

More snuggles, cause nothing beats snuggling with a clean baby.

And the post-bath look. Hair straight up!

Eventually there will be some video footage of serious bathtime fun. For now, hopefully this cuteness has sufficed.

1 comment:

Beth Anne said...

love it! we've both been taking bath thime pictures it would seem!