Clearing Out

This weekend, I decided it was time to clear out some of the stuff in the garden that was past its prime. This is what it looked like beforehand:

Mostly what needed to go were the large, drooping sunflowers, and the lettuce which I had let go so long had started blooming.

So, armed with a pair of these:

aka the rusty-est, most antiquated garden clippers you have ever seen, that my landlady very benevolently let me borrow after showing me her favorite pair of to-die-for garden clippers (not pictured)

They did the trick - and after removing this large pile of plant-ness...

This is what the garden looks like now:

You can actually see our watermelon!
What's left?
Well, the wildflowers are still going to town.
We have a few more sunflowers.
We have a huge watermelon plant currently growing 2 watermelons
A teeny tiny cucumber plant with lots of flowers (its so small, but it is trying very hard to produce a good crop)
And 10 tomato plants, which at last count, had about 25 green tomatoes on them. One day they will actually turn red.
Oh, and some basil and some oregano. They are still going strong.

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