More of the same

You all are probably sick of these random sunset shots by this point. But I can't help it. Every night I am tempted to take pictures of the sun going down. One day we will not live on a farm, we may even live in suburbia. Then there will be less sunset shots, I promise.

Until then....

I wish I could take better sunset shots, the colors never come out quite accurately.

There still nice though.


Unknown said...

I will never grow tired of sunset pictures, or sunrise, or clouds, or rain, or snow, or any of God's pictures....ever!


Eliz. K said...

y'know, I was just telling C this evening about falling in love with the horizon when I visited TX a couple years ago... I didn't know how much I loved it, and now I aDORE my drive to school and walks down the lane, because it's easy to get wrapped up in daily life and forget the bigger picture.

thanks for the beautiful photos :-)