Fly Naps

As a result of living in such close proximity to a lot of cows, our house is always infested with a lot of flys.

There is a vast difference between city flies, and country flies.
County flies are in general much larger, and much slower moving than their city relatives. I believe that both of these attributes are due to them having 24/7 access to more food then they could ever every want to eat (courtesy of the cows). It is remarkably easy to kill them with your hand (though I still prefer the fly swatter)

The winter weather has cut down slightly on the fly population in our house, but they are still here.

And they hibernate!

Who knew, when it gets cold, the flies go to sleep. I guess I sort of knew this, cause I know (or at least am told that) you can capture bees, put them in the fridge, then when they are all kinds of out of it, you can tie them to string on a stick...and have a pet bee that you can take for walks. But, I guess I didn't realize that the whole cold-induced sleep happened naturally. But it does.

If you look hard enough around my house you are bound to find a sleeping fly somewhere.

The other day, there was one here:on my sofa.

It sat there, allllllllll day long. Literally, it didn't move all day. I could poke it, and it wouldn't move.

I was planning on tossing it outside when I got off work at the end of the day.....but I forgot about it until later that evening....

When I sat on it....


They look oddly the same dead as sleeping....


Beth Anne said...

lol-this is great!

Adrian and Meredith said...

Hahaha. *sigh* Even insects are more relaxed in the country.