The Hike

Our only other real scheduled event was a bit of a "hike" to Swallow Falls (hope I am remembering the name right).  It was the perfect length of a hike - not too long or strenuous, but lots of pretty sights to see and rocks to climb. 

Here are a few pictures from the adventure. 

Papillon even walked some of the ways - which made her so very proud of herself. If you can zoom in on this picture, you can see her smiley little busting-with-pride face!

Remarkably, I think he was able to get a tiny bit of reception on his iphone on certain parts of this hike!

Oh, and in case I forgot to mention, we did have one other event for which we ventured away from our cozy cabins. We saw the new Muppet Movie!!  Papillon hung out with Grandpa while the rest of us saw the movie. I think it was a win win for everyone! 

And that's the story of our Thanksgiving vacation. It was definitely a good one.

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