Yard Sale Finds

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blogging to bring you some exciting yard sale finds from the weekend. Mon Amour and I are totally enthralled with the whole yard sale-ing thing. Having come from a place of very few people, there were obviously very few (read "none whatsoever" yard sales. Here at our new place, there are pretty much at least 5 with in 10 minutes of us every weekend. So for the past two weekends we have ventured our to explore.

The first weekend was a total bust. We learned that really the ideal yard sale, is actually a moving sale. Yard sales have tons of useless little stuff (which explains why people are selling it) and moving sales have all the fun big stuff that we are looking for!
We found some good moving sales on Saturday, and secured a few quite delightful deals.

The first, was this baby swing.

It is of the small, portable variety, which is what I wanted. It is in great condition, and all the fabric parts are machine washable. So, now that it is washed, it is pretty much good as new. And for $6, quite a deal!

Next I found this fabulous bed sheet.

Not at all the kind of bed sheet I want on my bed. But Marge needs a pillow case for her newly claimed body-pillow (Marge got my old one when I got a new one). And I was looking for a piece of fabric big enough to make one out of. For a $1, this one will do the trick.
We also got this game - Rummikub

A delightful variation on the game of Rummy. And again, for $1, it was not to be passed up.

But, the best find, was this:
An beautiful armoire, simply in need of a little sanding and a little staining. The drawers all work fine, its relatively solid. And when the price tag said free, the only real question was - does it fit in the car? And can Mon Amour and a very pregnant me, get it out of the car when we get it home?
The answer to both questions was yes! And the armoire is ours!

It made all of our dud yard sales worth it. And we have been inspired to keep trying! Perhaps next weekend will yield equally delightful results.


Beth Anne said...

I love yard sales too! and they are terrible in Delaware....Marylanders know how it is done though!

Leah Michelle said...

woah! that's all awesome stuff. way to go!

Miriam Rachael said...

nice dresser. For Phoebe? It's super cute and would look great with a little lovin'.