A Family Celebration

Last weekend we went to a belated birthday party for Nannie, combined with an Anniversary party for Nannie and Grandpop.

It was a grand time!
57 years (I think) of marriage.

My Uncle, Grandpop, Nannie and Mom

The party ended with a casual bocce tournament. True to form, my competitive parents started off the game by clarifying the rules, and determining whether or not mom's long arms put her at a significant advantage.

No family gathering is complete without tons of family photos.
All us ladies (including Papillon) share the same middle name.
(As does Nannie's mom...so Papillon is the 5th in the tradition)

And a picture of Mon Amour and I - just because we hardly ever remember to take pictures of us.

A delightful day for a delightful party.

P.S. - The maternity shirt that I am wearing was a super-cheap yardsale find. The lady of that yard sale had fantastic taste, I only wish all her maternity clothes were not of the winter variety. Oh well, I got one good shirt out of it.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Thanks for documenting such a great day! Oh, and yes, rules always need clarification at the beginning, the middle and the end of the game! But, we are NOT competitive! :)