Fall Photo Shoot

 This year we decided to get some professional* family pictures taken. (* professional in the sense that they are amazing and professional quality. Though it was actually my childhood piano teacher who took the pictures. So it felt more like having a friend take the pictures than having a professional photographer take the pictures. Professional quality photos taken by a fun friend = best of both worlds!)

These are just a few of my favorites.

Papillon was terrified of the sand and the waves. Like whoa! She kept saying "It's gonna get you!" meaning the waves

While Papillon was being terribly shy, Hibou was being very chill. Munchin' some leaves and such.

My blue eye wonder.

We finally got her to smile...by talking about Grandpa's bakery!

1 comment:

Beth Anne said...

We did photos with a friend this year too and couldn't be happier! :)