Indian Food

Every since Mon Amour's business trip to India earlier this year, he has been asking me to try making some Indian food. I must confess, I am all about basic, simple foods. My spice cabinet has only the bare minimums like salt, pepper and a few Italian spices. But, during Mon Amour's sister's visit we decided it was time to take the plunge.

After buying about $30 worth of spices (yikes are some of those spices pricey), we launched into making this recipe.

First step: spices on chicken.

And sauteing some onions, more spices and chiles and such.

Then add these:

While waiting for all that to simmer and become delicious (it smells amazing throughout!), whip up some naan. We have made naan a couple times now and it is AMAZING! Often we top it with some garlic and basil, which is not authentically Indian, but it is soooooo good.
Naan Ready!

Chicken Biryani Ready!

Papillon, ready!

The taste test.


Note: Papillon had a small taste, but then ate mostly plain chicken and peas. She liked the taste, but that much spice may have overcome her in the end.


Eliz. K said...

Can you send me your naan recipe?? I love that stuff, and haven't been brave enough to try it yet...!

Maura said...

WE LOVE INDIAN FOOD!!!!! DVB and I were introduced to it in college since many of our friends were Indian and we had the awesome Philly restaurants in our backyard. After reading your entry I am inspired to try making something. And mouth is watering! can you send me your recipes for the chicken dish and Naan? thanks!