Baking Lessons

Possibly Papillon's favorite activity these days is to "hap"  (aka "help") me with whatever I am doing.  If I go downstairs to get something from the pantry or grab the laundry, etc, she used to fuss cause she felt I had left behind. Now I ask her to help by closing the door behind me and she is perfectly happy to see me go.

She helps me sweep with a broom twice her height, helps me put things in the trash, but most of the time "helping"  means sitting on the counter while I do kitchen things.  She can't help much with dishes yet so she just watches. But she is a very good helper when it comes to baking.

She holds the measuring spoons.

And listens intently while I tell her what we are making. 

And when told, sits perfectly still while I dash to the other side of the kitchen to grab something.
She loves to taste test things (insisted on trying the salt...not a fan!)
She loves dumping ingredients in.
We made brownies the other day (not pictured) and she was so insistent on stirring that she wouldn't give up the spoon for and second and I had to get my own spoon and stir around hers.
I love my little helper!


Beth Anne said...

So sweet! It gets harder to let them help as they get older (well, I'm sure at some point it will become helpful), but I have to keep reminding myself that it is so good for both of us!

Eliz. K said...

That's awesome! and so adorable! (My family has a polaroid of me helping mom at about the same point you guys are-- mom quite pregnant with Becka, and me on the counter :-) Very sweet!