Alien Corn

The corn is getting tall around here.
It is very pretty to look at.

At least most of it is. Most of it looks like people expect it to look. Tall, green stalks waving in the wind.

But have you ever looked closely at it?

More the bottom of it?

At the base of each corn stalk are these weird purple roots. Some go all the way into the ground - and some just stick out like freaky alien fingers. We looked it up and it seems they are called "prop roots". I guess they are normal. And they probably serve some kind of functional purpose. But, honestly, they are just weird looking....and it has kind of permanently altered my view of corn. Adding a touch of "ick" to my otherwise positive opinion about it.

This reminds me of the time when I got in a bit of an argument with the professor of my Non-Verbal Communication class about how many ears of corn are on each stalk. It being a non-verbal class and all....out argument was 100% in charades. Yeah, that moment in my life also forever changed my view of corn.

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