Fireworks - the anticipation

Our local fireworks happen on the Friday before the 4th of July. So, yesterday, Mon Amour, my sister and I headed out for a grand adventure.

Not knowing how busy it would be, or where the best seats would be, we decided to get there early.
2.5 hours early. And yes, that is later than I thought we should be there, and yes, we probably could have gotten there much later and still been fine.

We made ourselves comfortable on a nice little beach.

We didn't do much but sit there, and chat, and count down the time. It was too windy to play cards and too cold to put our feet in the water, but we did manage to take some fun pictures so that we wouldn't forget we had been there.
Me and little sister :-)

Mon Amour is determined to master this self portrait thing - so we took a lot of awkward pictures of us. This would be one of the less awkward ones.

For the sake of my dignity I shall not post the ones where we are making even stranger faces than this.

We finally let little sister take a picture of us so we could look at least moderately normal.

The 2.5 hours crept along, it was slowly getting colder and windy-er, but seemingly not much darker..... But we stuck it out, the fireworks had to happen eventually.

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