The (less than) Annual Car Wash

It would be an understatement to say that we do not wash our cars very often. Mon Amour doesn't have time to wash them. I am totally not motivated to. And on top of that, we have no car washing supplies. Put all those factors together, and you end up with two very dirty cars.

But, was finally time to fix this problem.

So, Mon Amour made time and bought supplies and I found sufficient motivation to help.

So, we pulled the cars into the yard (so that the hose would reach) and began to wash.

We used our lovely antiquated water pump in combination with with some new-fangled car washing soap and such.

And despite all appearances, Mon Amour did most of the work, not me.

In the end, we had two very clean cars - who knew my car was still actually white!

Then the next day we drove them down our long dusty drive way....and now they look kind of dirty again. Alas. But at least deep down in side, we know that even if they are not presently cleaned, they have recently been cleaned.

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