
You probably don't know this about me....but I play the harp.
The reason you probably don't know this about me is because I sort of took a 1+ year break from harping. For no particular reason except that it wasn't a priority for me.

Then when I did want to play - there would be a broken string - which would involve buying a string, waiting for it to arrive, and then figuring out how to re-string it.

Note the broken strings:

Yeah. Well, I paid a lot of money for this instrument, and on top of that, I really do enjoy playing. So, after a year's sabatical, and 2 seperate string order, my beauteous harp has a complete set of strings, and I am going to play again. At least once a week. That's the goal.

Here she is:

Pardon the unmade bed and all that; and the protective case around the base.

Eventually I will post more about how I got started in the world of harping, and all that jazz. But for now, a simple introduction.

Harp, this is my blog. Blog readers, this is my harp. Her name is Daphne. She is a Salvi Daphne 47 extended sounded board pedal harp. She is as fancy as they come in the harp world, unless you wanted it gold plated, which just seems excessive.

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