The Bonfire

Remember this cool pile of wood!

Well, yesterday was not too windy, and not too dry. The conditions required for a...

of incredible proportions!

Sadly, it was also the first weekend in a long time that Mon Amour and I were away from the farm all day long. So this is the not-so-exciting part of the bonfire that we saw:
Oh the irony.
We missed it.

As we were driving up to the farm, we saw smoke coming from the bonfire location. We both got a bit excited. Then, simultaneously, we noted the relative smallness of the pile of stuff that was burning. Yup, we concluded, we missed it.


We have heard that they do a big fire like this once a year, and we should still be here this time next year. So, I guess we will try again in 2010.

I did get some kind of cool pictures of the smoldering remains though.

These pictures were probably taken around 6pm, there were still a few little flames here and there. At about 9:30 when I looked out the window into the darkness, you could still see a small red glow. It must have been a sweet fire.

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