Home made Crepes

Remember back when I told you about the joys of French Crepes?

Well, we have now officially made them at home. And they are much easier than you would think! They take a little more skill than pancakes, but not much more.

First you whip up the ingredients. We used this recipe. Though I am sure that any number of recipes would work just fine. We did add a few drops of vanilla to this one - I love vanilla.

Then, for ease of pouring the (very thin) batter onto the pan, we poured the batter into our liquid measuring cup.

Then pour about 1/4 cup onto your pre-heated skilled (use your "Crepe Pan" if, like us, you happen to have one). You can use a crepe spreader to spread the batter all over the pan - or you can just tilt the pan. It should be spread pretty thin.

Cook on one side until it is just about done (it is so thin, it kind of cooks all the way through all at once). Then flip it over, just for the sake of giving the other side a bit of color.

The key is to then prep and eat immediately.
Put it on a plate, spread your choice of toppings on one half and fold in half. For ease of handling, fold in half again. Dust with powdered sugar (optional, but recommended!)

The spoon is optional - can be eaten with one's fingers.

My favorite toppings: Strawberry Jelly. Or Cinnamon Sugar.
Mon Amour's Favorite Toppings: Nutella. And whatever else falls within his reach.

I am told you can make dinner crepes with meat and such in them. We have yet to be so bold. But perhaps some day.