10 Months

Today is Papillon's 10 Month Birthday.
Now that she is mobile, it is much trickier to get a picture of her with Snoopy, here is the best we got:

At 10 Months, Papillon....

....goes to bed around 7:30pm and gets up around 7am. Give or take.

....takes pretty much 2 naps a day. (Occasionally if a nap is abridged for some reason, we may sneak in a 3rd). Usually 1.5 hours each.

....eats 3 meals a day, and usually a PM snack. Mostly finger foods at this point. Shortly after her 9 month birthday she figured out how to put things easily into her mouth since then its been finger foods all the way! She loves to eat. Since she is more feeding herself now, I am starting to notice some food preferences. She will eat whatever I give her, but if I give her a couple of things at once (say, chicken and peas) she will always eat all of one thing (i.e. the chicken) before switching to the other. So at this point, her favorite foods include: Graham Crackers, Chicken, Beans, and Cheese.

....nurses 4-5 times a day.

....has 2 teeth on the bottom. No real signs of any others at this point.

...officially rolls over a lot (HOORAY!!!), and also crawls, sits up, tries to pull herself up and loves to walk with the help of your fingers. She will actually crawl over to you and search for your hands so you can help her stand. Its super cute. You can sit on your hands and she will still find them, she is very determined. It makes me smile when I go into her room and find her SITTING in her crib waiting for me. So sweet and grown up.

...(on the napping note) she doesn't really fuss when she wakes up anymore. She use to fuss like she was calling for me, and it would get louder and louder until I came in to get her. Now she wakes up, I hear some talking and then nothing. I go in a little bit later and find her just sitting or laying either playing with her feet or sucking her thumbs. She is such a content baby!

....'s hair is growing faster than the rest of her. Seriously, look at the hair of last month and then the ridiculous fluff and pony tail of this month. You could probably watch it grow if you tried.

....loves Marge to pieces. Even more than Snoopy.

...does the cutest scrunch-faced smile all.the.time. It's the best. Such a smiley kid.

....is the best thing that's ever happened to me!

I keep thinking that the age Papillon presently is is going to be my favorite, and at some point, I will hit the next month and think "Apparently it doesn't get any better than X months". But I am pretty sure each month keeps getting more and more fabulous. 10 months is a great age.

Love you, Papillon!


Thomas said...

Happy 10 Months,Phoebe!

Adrian and Meredith said...

She does have fantastic smiles. Ten months was a great age, but I have to say that it still keeps getting better. My favorite age with Lyndon is always "right now". Enjoy!