Visiting Friends

A couple weeks ago, we had a chance to visit with some friends.

I think we all had a lovely time.
You can tell from the size of this kiddo's smiles.

Or maybe he was smiling for goldfish....haha. Snack time!

He played peekaboo with us in his special cabinet, which was pretty much the funniest little game.

We visited with more friends the next day. Again, a lovely time.
This little guy wanted me to take his picture with Papillon and the other little girl who was there. He was the only one who looked at the camera though...we did our best.

Papillon was not sure what to think of her little friend. Her friend was much spunkier than Papillon generally is, and Papillon was not sure what to do with all the excitement.

As you can see.... friend = energetic. Papillon = a perpetual skeptic.

1 comment:

Adrian and Meredith said...

It was lovely to see you guys, and I'm glad you could capture some smiles. Phoebe gets cuter by the day.