Midwest 2011: Short Version

Perhaps it will surprise you to hear that Mon Amour and Papillon and I have been on vacation for the past two weeks. As I recently mentioned, blog posts are generally two weeks behind real time, and this time I have a legitimate excuse for it. We a day or so after Easter and we were gone for 10 days. For the sake of those of you who are addicted to Papillon's adorableness, I scheduled some posts to appear while I was gone, and now that I have returned, brace yourselves for a boatload of vacation related posts. For those of you who are hard-core followers, there will be a full series of vacation posts.

For those of you who are less hard core, here is the short version. Once you read this, you can tune out for the next two weeks or so, while I bore the rest of my readers with excessive details about the trip.

Our first stop was to chilly chilly Michigan - the Upper Peninsula (think the non-mitten portion of MI), where it did in fact snow - to see Mon Amour's sister graduate! Congrats!!

Next stop, Kansas - Oh glorious Kansas. Where at least the weather was amazing, though the scenery is rather mundane - where I met some of Mon Amour's relatives. I have now officially met one whole side of Mon Amour's family (the smaller half)...that only took almost 4 years...

And then we wrapped up our trip in another part of Kansas (oh boy.) to spend some time with Mon Amour's Grandad and introduce him to his great-granddaughter. Clearly they loved each other.

Many fun adventures were had with many people and all in all it was a wonderfully wonderfully, much needed, relaxing vacation. We are so blessed.

Short version over. Brace yourself for the long version.

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