Craft Question

I have a question for you folks, my wonderful readers of whom I ask very little.

My question is as follows.

I have recently acquired (for free!) a bunch of small pieces of fabric.

Not much is bigger than a square foot in total - and nothing is square.

I have folded them neatly, so that I can kind of assess what I have, and I feel as though there must be some wonderful use for all this fabric. But I can't put my finger on what that wonderful use is.

What do you suggest I do with all this beautifulness?

The obvious answer would be a quilt....that is an option I suppose. But I am in no particular need of more homemade blankets (I went through a knitting / crocheting phase and have lots of left over blanket-projects to keep me warm)

So, what are your thoughts? Quilt or something else?


Beth Anne said...

ooooo looks like fun, I will be thinking about it!

Thomas said...

You could make skirts that look like they came from the 60s.