
Every spring here on the farm, lots of wildlife that returns that we have not seen in a long time.

One creature in particular that comes out in full force round about early June, is the frogs. There is a pond on the property - and if you walk over there, the closer you get, the more frogs you will see. And the smaller the frogs will get - the baby frogs (tadpoles) live in the pond, then the toddler frogs hobble around the edges of the pond, then the full grown frogs hop all the way to our house.

For the most part they are harmless. You hit a few with your car, you step on a few with your shoes, and Marge eats a few, but you try not to feel too bad, cause we have enough frogs to rival that Egyptian plague.

But, the other day - they apparently decided that they had had enough; one in particular was determined to get into the house...

Yes, it is on our bay window. You can't tell from the picture - but little Mr. Frog is actually about 6 feet off the ground. Yikes.

The wildlife out here is ridiculous.

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