Vacation 2012: Coeur D'Alene

We did a couple day trips while on vacation in Idaho.  One was to a beautiful city on a lake called Coeur D'Alene.   It's a beautiful, beautiful part of the country. 

When we first arrived, in order to extend car-nap-time, we drove around the lake and discovered this amazing bridge. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's pretty huge.

We sat by the lake and wondered what it was like to have one of the houses on the other side that are only accessible by boat (or by hiking straight down a steep cliff)

For lunch we stopped at a landmark burger joint reportedly made famous by a tv show. All they sell is hamburgers. No french fries. No other sandwiches. Just hamburgers. You can add cheese or pickles, and you can make it a "double" if you want. But those are you only options. It was amazing! Such a tasty burger. Papillon had a Cheeseburger without the burger (aka, grilled cheese)

There is a spectacular wooden playground in Coeu D'Alene which Papillon loved. When we first got there, there was a huge school group using it and I sensed Papillon was not hugely excited by the dozens of loud children with whom she had to share the playground. But, by a stroke of luck, as we walked up to the playground, a whistle blew - Time to go! - and all the kids left. We had the playground to ourselves!

Possibly the cutest moment on the trip. The playground had a lot of spaces that the kids could crawl through, many of which got progressively smaller - what started out as a full size entry way, eventually became a crawl space under a step. Papillon enjoyed sneaking through these spaces. At one point, I watched her go in, and waited for her to pop her head out the other side and run around to do it again.  But as I stood there, I heard a tiny, and very sweet voice saying "Help please. Help get down please".  It wasn't an anxious voice, just a very quite request for assistance. I went over and found her here:
...smiling and waiting for help. Clearly she could actually climb out without help. But in general to step off the equipment onto the mulch, she sits down and slides off. So she was trying to sit up, so she could slide out, but the box was not big enough to let her sit up. So she sat there, and waited for assistance. So sweet! 

Papillon hung out in the stroller a bunch and enjoyed the nice weather and pretty sights.

All around Coeur D'alene, you will find these moose and mouse statues. There is a children's book about this moose and mouse and how they play hide and seek in Coeur D'Alene.  Hence, the statues.

More moose-mouse statues!

Next time we go to Idaho, we may explore other lakes in the area, or perhaps take a boat cruise around the lake to see if from a different angle!

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