Every thing my house is not...

Please do not interpret the following post as a statement of discontentment about my house. I love my little house. It is everything that I need in a house right now.

But, as a matter of strict facts, there are a few things that my house is not....a fact which becomes very clear when I visit other, larger, more stereotypically desirable houses.

Like, my in laws house, which Mon Amour and I had the pleasure of visiting last weekend.

Things their house has that mine does not include:

Sweet yellow outside walls.
(which they are actually in the process of re-painting. Oh well. Green will be cool too)
And a front door.

A lovely foyer area.
And a stair case.
(my house has a total of one step. no actual stair case)

A book nook.
And an upstairs.

A two sided fireplace!
Yes, the fireplace opens into the living room, and the dining room.
For all around fire place enjoyment.

A fun kitchen with green walls
Oh wait, I do have one of those.

All of these things are fine and dandy, and perhaps one day I, too, will have a house with some of these cool features. But, like I said, I am not that jealous of these things.

However...there is one thing that there house has that mine doesn't that I must confess, I am very jealous of....it is, by far, (in my mind) the coolest part of the house....

More on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This makes me jealous...very hehe. I like the yellow it is much better than green :) x.